NAUI scuba courses from beginner to professional, including the training of technical instructors and instructor trainers.
Sport Diving - Specialties - Rescue Specialties - Leadership Courses - Instructor programs -
Technical Course - Technical Instructors - Instructor Trainers -
Master Diver & Rescue Course ( ***New***)
NAUI Courses Diagram
Skin diver course.
This is a certification course in snorkeling and breath holding, on completion the graduates are considered competent to engage in open water breath hold diving activities without supervision, provided the diving activities and the areas dived approximate those of training.
Scuba diver.
This is the entry level course for sport diving. This will qualify you to dive to 18m deep on or if you wish you can add Nitrox as part of this course. You will be doing some pool sessions and do about 5 qualifying dives. There is 6 to 8 hours of theory.
Experienced scuba diver course
This course provides a means for experienced scuba divers with no recognized recreational diving certification to become certified by NAUI. These divers may have some formal or informal training. Graduate receive NAUI scuba diver certification with all designated qualifications.
Advanced scuba diver.
This course is a continuing education certification course for certified divers. It is an enjoyable program of continued supervised exercises designed to introduce divers to a variety of diving activities and to be thought entirely in an open water setting. Upon successful completion of this course graduates are considered competent to engage in open water diving activities and the areas dived approximate those of training.
Master scuba diver course.
This course is a continuing education certification course for those divers who wish to increase their understanding and enjoyment of diving. Emphasis is placed on student participation and practical application of knowledge in the open water classroom discussion of subjects. This course is an excellent progression towards NAUI leadership roles. Upon successful completion of this course graduates are considered competent to engage in open water diving activities and the areas dived
approximate those of training.
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Night diver.
This course is to provide the diver with the skills and knowledge needed to minimize the risk of diving at night.
Underwater environment diver.
This course is to expose the diver to the physical and biological aspects of the diving environment with emphasis on the local area. This course will draw much of the subject material from related sciences e.g. oceanography, limnology, geology, biology, and ecology.
Underwater photographer.
This course is to provide the diver with the skills and knowledge needed to enjoy underwater photography while minimize the risk of such activities. This is a course of underwater camera techniques and underwater photo problems.
Search and recovery.
This course is to provide the diver with the skills and knowledge to do those underwater tasks commonly needed by the experienced recreational diver and to minimize the risk of such tasks.
Underwater hunter/ collector.
This course is to provide the diver with the skills and knowledge necessary to spearfish, take game and collect specimens while minimize the diving risk of such activities. South African laws on marine protected areas and species must be applied to this course
Wreck diver (external)
This course is to provide the diver with the skills and knowledge needed to gain experience and minimize the risk in wreck diving. Wreck diving (external survey) is defined as diving around a sunken vessel, aircraft or debris field.
Underwater ecologist
This course is to expose the diver to either kelp forest or coral reef ecology and the methods used by underwater ecologist in their studies of the respective ecosystems.
Deep diver.
This course is to provide the diver with the skills and knowledge to plan and make deep dives while minimizing the risks and avoiding the need for stage decompression. Deep diving is defined as dives made between 18 and 40 meters.
Nitrox diver.
This course is to provide the diver with the information necessary to utilize EANx as a breathing medium. The course may be taught as stand –alone specialty course to certified divers or the knowledge and practical skills training may be integrated into other NAUI certification courses including NAUI Scuba Diver Course.
Training assistant.
This course is to qualify the diver in the skills and knowledge necessary to perform as a training assistant during diver training sessions. The key objective is to train divers to assist others during activities overseen by an active –status NAUI instructor.
Rescue diver specialties
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Scuba rescue diver.
This course trains divers in the skills and knowledge needed to manage the risk s and effectively handle limited in-water problems and diving emergencies.
Advanced scuba rescue diver
This is a certification course for certified divers who desire to assume greater rescue capabilities during diving activities. the training emphasizes accident supervision and management with practical application in open water
NAUI First aid.
This course is to provide the diver with the skills and knowledge needed to apply CPR, Emergency Oxygen Administration, AED, Blood-borne Pathogens and Aquatic Life Injuries first aid.
Leadership courses
Skin diving instructor course.
This is a leadership level certification course designed to train and qualify persons and issue certifications in skin (breath-hold) diving. The course will make available to individuals, schools, camps or similar groups NAUI Leaders who can effectively teach people to enjoy skin diving with minimal risk.
Assistant instructor.
The NAUI Assistant instructor rating is a NAUI leadership level certification. The program is designed to introduce students to diving instruction basics. It also test individuals in fundamental water skills needed to be capable assistants.
Dive master.
The NAUI Divemaster rating is the highest NAUI leadership-level certification with the exception of instructor. The program is designed to train experienced and knowledgeable divers to organize and conduct enjoyable open water dives for certified divers.
NAUI programs
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Adaptive scuba diver program.
This is a NAUI recognized program that provides diving credentials to persons with disabilities whose disability prevents them from achieving all the skills required for certification by NAUI standards.
Passport diver program.
This is an introductory, non-certification program suitable for two reasons
To introduce non-divers to scuba diving. Participants may scuba dive in confined or open water under closely controlled conditions.
To provide sufficient training to enable graduates of the full program to continue to scuba dive under controlled conditions without meeting the requirements of scuba certification.
Refresher scuba.
This is a non certification programs which affords formal refresher training at the scuba diver level for divers who need tore-establish proficiency owing to diving inactivity or to re-evaluate proficiency in light of intended dive trip or other factors.
NAUI Instructor programs
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Instructors can be trained in all the Technical and Recreational courses listed.
Instructor Training course
A NAUI Instructor is a person dedicated to the motto "Dive Safety through Education"; a person to whom others look for leadership and knowledge. NAUI has always been and remains today the most prestigious agency focussing on diving instruction. You can share the adventure - and help create it ! If you believe your work should be enjoyable and exciting, if you are eager to share your knowledge with others, if you believe that to train the best you must be among the best-trained, join the
Instructor Cross-over course
The NAUI Instructor Crossover Course (ICC) is designed to train and qualify current non-NAUI recreational scuba instructors to train diving students and register them for NAUI certification. During the course, candidate instructors learn effective methods to teach skin and scuba diving in compliance with NAUI Diving Course Standards.
Instructor Preparatory course
This is a non-certification program, attendance at which is a NAUI Instructor Training Course (ITC) prerequisite for any person not certified as a NAUI Assistant Instructor or Divemaster. The program includes both instruction and evaluation.
Instructor Trainer
This NAUI Instructor Guide is designed to assist NAUI Instructor Trainers and Course Directors when conducting NAUI Instructor Trainer and Staff Training Workshops. NAUI Instructor Trainer and Staff Training Workshops train instructors in the knowledge and skills needed to either teach (ITW) or practice (STW) evaluating candidates in NAUI instructor level courses.
Technical courses
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nstructors and Students can be trained in all the Technical and Recreational courses listed.
Intro to Technical
This course is designed to give the open water or advanced open water diver the opportunity to improve their skills, knowledge and equipment configuration, thereby increasing their safety and efficiency. Course is also intended to prepare the advanced diver for the rigors of technical diver training.   
NTEC & Technical Nitrox Course
NTEC Course
This course looks at technical gear configurations and the use of the
following gear for technical diving. Bottom and stage cylinders, isolation
manifolds, cylinder gauges, tech BCD’s, primary regulators, and backup
Technical EANx Course
This course is to provide the diver with the skills and knowledge needed to
dive longer and do decompression on optimal breathing gas (EANx mixtures
of 28% to 100% oxygen) for dives to maximum training depth of 40m.
Prerequisites – 18 Year – Deep & Nitrox Diver – 50 Dives – 10 Nitrox Dives
Course Duration3 Nights and 2 Days
Night 1 – NTECH lecture
Night 2 – Gear configuration and Swimming Pool
Night 1 - Tech Nitrox Lectures and Swimming Pool
Day 1 – Miracle water 2 tech dives (Skills)
Day 2 – Wondergat 2 tech dives (Exams)
Required Equipment.
Twin cylinders (any size but 15 liters and up is recommended)
Isolated manifold
Bual or single wing (Bual is recommended)
Back Plate (Stainless steel or aluminum)
Stage Cylinder (8 liter or bigger Steel or Aluminum (Recommend))
Stage Cylinder Straps
3 reliable Regulators (don’t need octo)
Deploy Buoy
Skin diving Equipment
Recommended Equipment.
Dive Computer (2 Gases)
Arm Slate
Equipment Provided
Gas Analyzer
Mixing Panel
Price Includes
Certification Card
Price Exclude
Air & Gas mixes.
Entrance to Dive Sites / Camp fees / Boat Dives
Extra Equipment back to top
Technical support leader.
The NAUI specialty course is designed to train knowledgeable NAUI Instructors, Divemaster and assistant instructors who are technical divers to act as part of a support team for technical diving and training activities.
Technical nitrox.
This course is to provide the EANx certified diver with the skills and knowledge needed to maximize the risks of utilizing optimal breathing gas EANx mixtures of 28% to 100% oxygen for dives to maximum training depth of 40m not requiring mandatory decompression.
Helitrox diver.
This course is to provide the training and experience necessary to gain the knowledge and understand the use of helium for dives to a maximum depth of 46m that may require stage decompression, utilizing EANx mixtures and/or oxygen during decompression.
Decompression techniques.
This course is to provide the EANx certified diver with the skills and knowledge needed to maximize the risks of utilizing optimal breathing gas EANx mixtures of 28% to 100% oxygen for dives to maximum training depth of 40m not requiring mandatory decompression.
Heliair Diver
The NAUI Heliair Diver course provides the training and experience you need to competently plan and execute extended range dives that require stage decompression utilizing Heliair and EANx and/or oxygen. You’ll learn the hazards and proper use of Heliair for dives to maximum of 180 fsw / 55 msw that require stage decompression, utilizing EANx mixtures and/or oxygen during decompression
Cavern Diver is a no-decompression course designed to teach you the fundamental skills and knowledge for cavern diving above 100 fsw / 30 msw and at a combined depth and distance penetration less than 200 feet / 60 meters from the surface.
Cave 1
Does the thought of diving through an underwater cave intrigue you? Are you fascinated by the possibility of diving where most divers never get to go? Cave Diver Levels I, II and III are actually three courses, each of which builds on skills and knowledge taught in the Cavern Diver course and/or respective previous level Cave Diver courses, giving you the next level of skills and experience you need to become a certified Level I, II or III Cave Diver.
Cave 2
Certified Level II Cave Divers are qualified to plan and execute multiple navigational decisions on cave dives with staged cylinders; certified Level III Cave Divers are qualified to plan and execute extended penetration cave dives.
Technical wreck
Combine technical diving and wreck exploration and you get Technical Wreck Penetration diving…This course is to provide the diver with the skills and knowledge needed to gain experience and minimize risks in penetration wreck diving at depths beyond 130 fsw / 40 msw.
These courses are to provide the diver with the skills and knowledge needed to minimize the risks of utilizing helium-based tri-mix breathing gas mixes for dives to a maximum depth of 300 fsw (91 msw) requiring stage decompression and utilizing EANx mixtures and/or oxygen during decompression. There are two levels, called Trimix Diver Level I and Trimix Diver Level II.
Mixed gas blender
This course is to provide the student with the skills and knowledge needed to safely handle high pressure gases, prepare oxygen enriched air and helium base mixes, and prepare equipment for oxygen service.
The Semi-closed Circuit Rebreather Diver course will provide you with the skills and knowledge you need to minimize the risks of using Semi-closed Circuit Rebreathers (SCR) to a maximum depth of 100 fsw / 30 msw and while using Nitrox mixtures of 32% to 80% oxygen.
The Closed Circuit Rebreather course provides the NAUI EANx certified diver with the training and experience necessary to understand the hazards and minimize the risks of using a closed circuit rebreather while breathing Nitrox with a constant oxygen partial pressure. This no-stop decompression course is designed to provide you with the skills and knowledge needed to minimize the risks of using Closed-circuit Underwater Breathing Apparatus to a maximum depth of 100 fsw / 30 msw.
CCR – Mixed gas
NAUI’s Closed Circuit Mixed Gas Diver course will to provide you with the skills and knowledge needed to minimize the risks of utilizing helium-based or trimix breathing diluent gas mixes for diving, with dive parameters to a maximum depth of 250 fsw / 76 msw requiring decompression with rebreathers and constant PO2.
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